Le Musée Du Louvre
Le musée du Louvre, ancienne demeure des rois de France, est depuis deux siècles l'un des plus grands musées dumonde. Ses collections sont réparties
en 7 départements : Antiquités orientales, Antiquités égyptiennes, Antiquitésgrecques, étrusques et romaines ; Peintures, Sculptures, Objets d'art et Arts graphiques du Moyen Age jusqu'à 1850.Toujours en phase d'aménagement, le projet Grand Louvre sera totalement terminé en 1997. La première étapedu projet a été achevée en 1989 (ouverture du nouvel accès par la pyramide de verre de I.M. Pei et découverte desvestiges du Louvre médiéval). En 1993, l'aile Richelieu a été ouverte. Elle présente des sculptures françaises, des objetsd'art, des peintures des écoles du Nord et des peintures françaises (jusqu'au XVIIe siècle), des antiquités orientaleset l'art de l'islam. Parallèlement était inauguré le Carrousel du Louvre, grand espace souterrain avec boutiques - parcde stationnement - espaces d'expositions ou de manifestations prestigieuses. En octobre 1994, de nouvelles sallesprésentant les sculptures étrangères ont été inaugurées. Au cours de la dernière phase du projet de nombreusessalles seront réaménagées dans les ailes Sully et Denon du musée (avec notamment des antiquités égyptiennes,grecques, étrusques et romaines et des peintures italiennes) le Jardin des Tuileries sera rénové.
The Musée du Louvre, the former home of the kings of France, is for two centuries one now of the largest museums in the world. its collections are distributed into 7 departments: Oriental antiques, Egyptian antiques, Greek, Etruscan and Roman antiques; Paintings, Sculptures and Objets d'Art from the Middle Ages to 1850. Still in its development stage, the Grand Louvre project shall only be totally finished in 1997. The first stage of the project was finished in 1989 (opening of the new access via the glass pyramid designed by I.M. Pei and discovery of the vestiges of the medieval Louvre). In 1993, the Richelieu wing was opened. It exhibits French sculptures, objets d'art, paintings from the Northern schools and French paintings (up to the seventeenth century, oriental antiques and the art of Islam. The Carrousel du Louvre, was inaugurated in parallel. This is a large underground complex with stores, car parks and areas for exhibitions and prestigious events. In October 1994, new rooms presenting foreign sculptures were inaugurated. During the last phase of the project many rooms will be redeveloped in the Sully and Denon wings (with namely Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan and Roman antiques and Italian paintings), the Jardin des Tuileries will also be renovated.

The Musée du Louvre, the former home of the kings of France, is for two centuries one now of the largest museums in the world. its collections are distributed into 7 departments: Oriental antiques, Egyptian antiques, Greek, Etruscan and Roman antiques; Paintings, Sculptures and Objets d'Art from the Middle Ages to 1850. Still in its development stage, the Grand Louvre project shall only be totally finished in 1997. The first stage of the project was finished in 1989 (opening of the new access via the glass pyramid designed by I.M. Pei and discovery of the vestiges of the medieval Louvre). In 1993, the Richelieu wing was opened. It exhibits French sculptures, objets d'art, paintings from the Northern schools and French paintings (up to the seventeenth century, oriental antiques and the art of Islam. The Carrousel du Louvre, was inaugurated in parallel. This is a large underground complex with stores, car parks and areas for exhibitions and prestigious events. In October 1994, new rooms presenting foreign sculptures were inaugurated. During the last phase of the project many rooms will be redeveloped in the Sully and Denon wings (with namely Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan and Roman antiques and Italian paintings), the Jardin des Tuileries will also be renovated.
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